A Little Prayer for Big Blessings

Jesus is holy, loving, and worthy of all our worship. You will feel the heaven in our Sonshine Church.



The Love of God Is Always Here

We believe in the strength of a supportive community, being there for one another in times of need.



Believe, Pray & Speak by Faith

Praising Lord Jesus everyday refreshes your soul and mind. Makes you connect with god and people.

About Our Ministry

Discover the Power and Love of God

Berea Gratia Ministry adalah sebuah pelayanan yang berfokus pada pengajaran Firman dan pastoral konseling. Pelayanan ini dirintis Pastor Erwin Mah sejak awal 2017, saat beliau dan Istrinya sama-sama menempuh studi pascasarjana (S-3) di Skotlandia. Ia  memulai pelayanan tersebut dengan mengumpulkan sekelompok pemuda-pemudi Indonesia yang juga tengah menempuh studi (undergraduate hingga postgraduate).

The Grace Of Giving

We invite you to Support and Worship With Our Ministry

Mission & Beliefs

Our Core Values

Every believer lives according to the word of God and stays relevant today. Setiap umat percaya hidup seturut firman Tuhan dan tetap relevan pada zamannya.

To educate, counsel, and guide every believer to fulfil each unique vocation. Mengedukasi, membimbing, dan mengarahkan umat percaya untuk menggenapkan panggilannya masing-masing.

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5604 Willow CrossingCt, Clifton United State
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We value your connection and would love to hear from you. Please contact us so we can stay in touch and keep you updated on our church events, news, and community activities.

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